FU Shoupeng
Title: Professor
Specialties:Animal Physiology
FU Shoupeng graduated from Jilin University in July 2009 with a bachelor's degree in agriculture. He graduated from Jilin University in July 2012 with a master's degree in agriculture. He graduated from Jilin University in July 2015 with a doctor's degree in agriculture. The current working unit is the Department of animal physiology, Department of basic veterinary medicine, College of animal medicine, Jilin University.
Research Interests:
Mammary gland immunity and lactation regulation
Selected Publications:
1. Shoupeng Fu#, Jianfa Wang#, Wenjing Xue#, Hongmei Liu#, Bingrun Liu#, Yalong Zeng, Sunan Li, Bingxu Huang, Qingkang Lv, Wei Wang*, Juxiong Liu*, Anti-inflammatory effects of BHBA in both in vivo and in vitro parkinson’s disease models are mediated by GPR109A dependent mechanisms. Journal of neuroinflammation, 2015. 1. 17,12: 9.
2. Wenjin Guo#, Juxiong Liu#, Jingxuan Sun, Qian Gong, He Ma, Xingchi Kan, Yu Cao, Jianfa Wang, Shoupeng Fu*. Butyrate Alleviates Oxidative Stress by Regulating NRF2 Nuclear Accumulation and H3K9/14 Acetylation via GPR109A in Bovine Mammary Epithelial Cells and Mammary Glands, Free radical biology and medicine, 2020. 5. 20, 152(2020): 728-742.
3. Wenjin Guo#, Juxiong Liu#, Wen Li, He Ma, Qian Gong, Xingchi Kan, Yu Cao, Jianfa Wang, Shoupeng Fu*. Niacin alleviates dairy cow mastitis by regulating the GPR109A/AMPK/NRF2 signaling pathway, International journal of molecular sciences, 2020. 5. 8. doi:10.3390/ijms21093321.
4. Wenjin Guo#, Juxiong Liu#, Yufei Zhang, He Ma, Yuhang Li, Qian Gong, Yu Cao, Guiqiu Hu, Shengnan Xie, Shoupeng Fu*. Dehydroandrographolide inhibits mastitis by activating autophagy without affecting intestinal flora, Aging-US, 2020. 7. 23. doi: 10.18632/aging.103312.
5. Wenjin Guo#, Juxiong Liu#, Shuang Hou, Guiqiu Hu, He Ma, Qian Gong, Xingchi Kan, Xin Ran, Yu Cao, Jianfa Wang, Shoupeng Fu*. The inflammatory environment mediated by a high-fat diet inhibited the development of mammary glands and destroyed the tight junction in pregnant mice, Food & Function. 2020. 09. 01. doi: 10.1039/d0fo00609b.
1. Excellent doctoral dissertations in Jilin Province, 2016