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GONG Wenjie

Release Time:2021-05-28  Publisher:  Preview times:

GONG Wenjie

Title: Professor

Specialties: Animal virology


I obtained my B.Sc in Vererinary Medicine from Hunan Agricultural University in 2006, then obtained M.Sc in Preventive Veterinary Medicine from Jilin University in 2008. In 2009, I went to Kiel University and did my Ph.D. with Prof. Edmund Maser in “Molecular microbiology”. In 2012, as a postdoctoral fellow, I joined Prof. Changchun Tu’s group, and did research on prevention and control of classical swine fever (CSF). In 2019, I received a professor position in College of Veterinary Medicine, Jilin University.

Research Interests:

I am pursuing two main lines of research that explore the genetic diversity and evolutionary dynamics of CSFV and its co-infected important or emerging swine viruses identified by viral metagenomics, and the development of novel CSF vaccines and serum DIVA assay. My interest focuses on the resolution of antigenic characteristics of E2 and ERNS proteins in CSFV vaccine C-strain and field isolates, the molecular mechanism of interaction between CSFV and its co-infected viruses, and the relationship between quasispecies and evolution of CSFV and other swine viruses. 

Selected Publications:

1. Wenjie Gong#, Junhui Li#, Zunbao Wang, Jiumeng Sun, Shijiang Mia, Jialun Xua, Jian Cao, Yuzhen Hou, Danyang Wang, Xinliang Huo, Yanjun Sun, Pengjiang Wang, Ke Yuan,Yangyi Gao, Xubin Zhou, Sun He*, Changchun Tu*. Commercial E2 subunit vaccine provides full protection to pigs against lethal challenge with 4 strains of classical swine fever virus genotype 2. Veterinary Microbiology, 2019, 237, 108403.

2. Wenjie Gong#, Junhui Li#, Zunbao Wang, Jiumeng Sun, Shijiang Mi, Zongji Lu, Jian Cao, Zhihua Dou, Yanjun Sun, Pengjiang Wang, Ke Yuan, Liying Zhang, Xubin Zhou, Sun He*, Changchun Tu*. Virulence evaluation of classical swine fever virus subgenotype 2.1 and 2.2 isolates circulating in China. Veterinary Microbiology, 2019, 232, 114-120.

3. Jiumeng Sun#, Li Wei, Zongji Lu, Shijiang Mi, Fei Bao, Huancheng Guo, Changchun Tu, Yan Zhu*, Wenjie Gong*. Retrospective study of porcine circovirus 3 infection in China. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2018, 65(3):607-613.

4. Fei Bao#, Shijiang Mi#, Qinghua Luo, Huancheng Guo, Changchun Tu, GuoqiangZhu*, Wenjie Gong*. Retrospective study of porcine circovirus type 2 infection reveals a novel genotype PCV2f. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2018, 65(2): 432-440.

5. Shijiang Mi, Shibang Guo, Chaonan Xing, Chaoting Xiao, Biao He, Bin Wu, Xianzhu Xia, Changchun Tu*, Wenjie Gong*. Isolation and characterization of porcine astrovirus 5 from a classical swine fever virus-infected specimen. Journal of Virology, accepted.

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